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3DtoMe Help Center

Welcome to the 3DtoMe Help Center. Here you can find all the information you need to get started and the answers to your questions.

3DtoMe Introduction


Start here to learn more about the 3DtoMe ecosystem, its apps and viewers.

3DtoMe Features


Here you can start to find answers about all the features of 3DtoMe.

3DtoMe 3D Objects

3D Objects

Learn about file formats and guidelines to follow when uploading a 3D model to 3DtoMe.

3DtoMe Share


Share your 3D models with anyone, whether they have a 3DtoMe app on their devices or not.

3DtoMe Photogrammetry


Learn how to create 3D models using photogrammetry with 3DtoMe.

3DtoMe Embed


Learn how to embed 3D models on your website or third-party web platform.

3DtoMe Account


Manage your account settings, subscription, and billing information.