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WOW Effect

Learn how to enhance the presentation of your 3D objects and make them look perfect when you show them with 3DtoMe.


When you want to show your products and objects in 3D, you want to make sure that the 3D object looks perfect. You can also enhance it's presentation paying attention to some details.

Here are some tips to ensure a WOW effect when you show your 3D objects with or without 3DtoMe.

Show your model in AR

If possible, show your model in AR. This will allow your customers to see the model in real size and in the real world. This is very useful to see how the model will look in the real world.

For example, if you are selling furniture, you can show the furniture in the real size in the customer's room.

Also, with the right device (Apple Quick Look use also light estimation), you can see the model with the right lighting and reflections on the surfaces.

Use good materials

3DtoMe support a lot of shaders and materials. Be sure to use good materials and shaders to make your model look more realistic and appealing.

For example, if you are selling a car, be sure to use a good car paint shader. This will make the car look more realistic and appealing.

Use animations

3DtoMe support animations. Be sure to use animations to show moving parts of your mechanical models, to show the model in action or to see living creatures moving.

On web, customize the 3D viewer

You can customize the 3D viewer on your website. You can change the background color of the viewer so it can match the color of your website.

You can also enable the dimension mesurement tool to allow your customers to see the size of the model directly on the viewer.

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