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Learn how to collaborate with your team, clients, or partners in real-time using 3DtoMe.


Collaboration is a key feature of 3DtoMe. It allows you to work together with your team, clients, or partners in real-time, no matter where they are. You can collaborate in spatial sessions, where you can view and interact with 3D content together, and in non-spatial sessions, where you can chat, draw, and share files.

Spatial collaboration is available on 3DtoMe for visionOS. To start a spatial session, follow these steps:

  1. Open 3DtoMe for visionOS.
  2. Select the model you want to collaborate on.
  3. Start a face time call with the person you want to collaborate with.

When the person you want to collaborate with answers the call, they will join the spatial session and you can start collaborating with them.

Next Steps

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